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Просмотр вопроса
Why don't you monetize your site sait.com by push notifications?
Push notifications give a great boost to website income.
At the same time, push messages are compatible and do not interfere with other monetization options, such as contextual advertising (for example, Adsense), teasers, CPA, and others.
Also, this type of monetization is not reflected in the work on SEO optimization and website promotion, because this technology is browser-based and does not affect on the search engine tops.
Try https://hclicks.com - Now they provide lifetime max rates, take all GEOs and monetize all push traffic including IOS!
Just spend 5 minutes... and dollars will drip constantly :)
In general, I just decided to give you small recommendations and nothing more. I apologize if this information is not relevant for you.

Sincerely, Platon Shukin
19 июня 2021

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